For hire, I work as a

Director .
Facilitator .


Coming Soon


Old North End
.. a Feature Documentary ..
 110 minutes 

 Rocky Bostick
Director, Journalist, Producer,
Cinematographer, Citizen, + Survivor


* Vermont is

93.6%  White alone
91.5%  White alone, not Hispanic or Latino
2.6%    Hispanic or Latino
2.2%    Two or more races
2.1%    Asian alone
1.6%    Black alone (me)
0.4%    American Indian + Alaska Native alone
0.2%    Native Hawaiians + other Pacific Islanders

7.4%    LGBT (me: gay, nonbinary)
4.4%    Foreign born

* Per recent statistics on race/nationality and sexuality,
and see here for 2021 statistic on Native Hawaiians,
and other Pacific Islanders

This film depicts my POV
re: Bias, Police Violence, 
Housing Discrimination, Politics,
+ the abuses of power by
then-Mayor Weinberger and his staff
during the global Covid-19 pandemic,
in 2020 + 2021, while I lived in Burlington, VT

Miro Weinberger
42nd Mayor of Burlington, Vermont (Democrat)
Jordan Redell
Former Chief of Staff for Miro Weinberger
Samantha Sheehan
Former Mayoral Communications + Projects for Miro Weinberger
Mark Barlow
Burlington City Councilor (Independent-North)
Sarah E Carpenter
Burlington City Councilor (Democrat-Ward 4)
Dave Hartnett
former Burlington City Councilor
Members of the Burlington Police
South Burlington Police
and Several Citizens
of Burlington, Vt




by Rules.

.. Music Video ..

Dir. Rocky Bostick
+ Sebastian Prokuski

Cargo Collective, Inc.

Los Angeles, Calif.